# Case of the security policy Certain group policies are directly managed by **SSSD**. In such instances, **ADSys** is not involved at all. This is applicable to **Security Settings**. In Windows Group Policy Management Editor,you can locate these keys at `[FOREST.ROOT] > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings` Below is a table providing a non-comprehensive list of Security Settings defined in Windows, which are not managed by ADSys but receive partial support through SSSD. | Windows Setting | | --------------- | |**Account Policies > Password Policy**| |Enforce password history| |Maximum password age| |Minimum password age| |Minimum password length| |Password must meet complexity requirements| |**Account Policies > Account Lockout Policy**| |Account lockout duration| |Account lockout threshold| |Reset account lockout counter after| |**Local Policies > User Rights Assignment**| |Access this computer from the network| |Allow log on locally| |Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services| |Change the system time| |Change the timezone| |Deny access to this computer from the network| |Deny log on as a batch job| |Deny log on as a service| |Deny log on locally| |Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services| |Log on as a batch job| |Log on as a service| |Shutdown the system| |**Local Policies / Security Options**| |Administrator account status| |Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on| Get more information on [SSSD](https://sssd.io/).